Allow me to blog for last saturday. (specially request by dear, got scolded by him) cos it began like this, my previous entry was blog on the sat morning (before i went out), so he thought that i didnt blog what we do all tat, not pleased then shi wei to me, so i blog now. Went to shi ma ru temple to pray first, cos mum ask me to pray before going for tp, then after that meet my dear in tiong bahru to go his house (cos he need to wash clothes, from camp one). His 'brother'(if you all dunno is a dog, willy is at home, so went to play with him as well. funny thing with willy is that i only been to third time( when they already have the dog) and it didnt bark at me. Maybe is beocs the second time got trained by dear, then also build rapport with it, hence it remenbers me! =) ( think got blog about it in my ancient blog bah) Anyway, it seems more excited to see me than my dear cos it keeps on following me and want me to play with him all the time. He like to lick me and to the extent, he jump onto the sofa, trying to lick my face! (hate it haha, but it didnt succeed) Dear, also say i neglect him when i was at his place cos he will be busy playing his maple or surf net, let me there, doing nothing, so i play with willy loh. (got wrong ma?)
Then after that, we went to take bus to great world city to watch movie. We are indecisive as we dunno what movie to watch cos i wan to watch nanny Mcphee while he wants to watch shaggy dog, so in the end we watch shaggy dog. Eat quite 'cheaply' that time as compared to the previous date, where we ate billy bompers... Had KFC haha. The show is nice, should go and watch and it's hilarious! There is a scene which i like so much that i also want to do it with my hippo and snap a pic of my hippo doin it. Guess wat? Is mediation pose! In the show, the shaggy dog knows how to mediate and it's super cute!!! See i upload it, cute right? Then he send me home shortly.

As for sun, slack whole day, doing nth.
Today: went to k box with my gang and we sing a number of songs during the k-lunch. After that i went for my driving lesson. Is the last revision lesson before the real TP that happens tomolo. All went well, except for one part when i driv out to main road. The green arrow had make me fail and fail till i so pissed off with it as it's not my fault. feels very yuan wang lei. Normally the green arrow appears for cars to drive to the right side of the junction after the red light appear right, then instead of appearing the green arrow and stay still for a while before the arrow blinks, it blinks right after the red light appear, giving me no chance to drive over. As a result, i'm stuck in the middle of the junction, blocking other's way hai... Got freak out and it all thanks to the the traffic light that may cause all the students' chance of passing tp if that happens...
Just hope that everything will turn out fine and hopefully i can get to drive a real car on my own soon! Got to zzz le, preparing for the exam in the afternoon. Wish me luck then! (thanks for those frens and relatives that wished me ggod luck de, will try my best and dun disappoint u all!) * FYI: Last Semester's results will be out on thurs if no changes is made, so wish all my frens all the best too!