Just took my jap final exam for Int 4. although sensei told us that no one fail, i still worried about my results. hai maybe when he mark one of the classmate's paper after the exam, find out alot of mistakes are made and worse is that those answer are correct but i went to change it. wat the hell!
go with my jap fren to dinner at california pizza opposite our sch with sensei but he came later. quite fun as we have ask sensei for 3-4 times but he alw fly aeroplane, so today he didnt and everyone is so happy haha. today see a different side of sensei, not the bad side of cos, but his emotion side and to think he tell us his things that are kind of sensitive; his life. but enjoy his company since is the last meeting le. btut we will be meetin up next next wed bah, eve of deepavali going dinner and drinking, hope i can go wahaha.
actually i never study alot for my exam cos i have been busy writing notes that i learn from ele to the current and i started late so will be glad even i just pass, no high expectation for myself wahaha.
now left main papers in uni and jlpt 3. hope tat i can find some times to do my reading and work for preparing jlpt since i miss my sch's preparatory class. learning jap has been quite fun with ando senssei haha. arigato!
looking forward to learnin jap cos i'm giving it a break first too tired need a long break before starting again. going to learn jap if i got $$$ cos my speaking is like tourist kind not tat kind tat is so fluent and smooth as i have to think before i can say it out wahah. tat is the problem i faced today for my oral wahaha. hope to buck up first.
going to start preparing for exam, 3 weeks left till first paper need to prepare le cant slack. and to think tomolo i have to go to sch just to return my library bk, thinking of tat damn sian.
cya then!