Mon 4-9pm
Tues 9-6pm
Wed 10-12pm
Thurs 2-5pm
Fri 9-1pm
Sucks right? Wed come two day only, tues one full day. After this came out i have to cancel all my driving lessons le sian... Damn sian! The past two driving lesson of mine was fun. first one i speed too fast then the metal part on the inside tyre got dented cos i hit the road kerb -_-'' hahah. the second one was last nite when i was learning slope haha.
Last week has been quite slack for me till thursday. Thursday to saturday can say quite a busy yet fulfilling day for me. Met with shari and boon to celebrate boon's very belated b'dae (both shari n i agree to treat him). Meet boon to go city hall to meet shari (cos boon's company beside mine; took his company's transport haha)
Anyway we went to suntec to go makan. Ms Oh has been keen of eating Thai Express de Phad Thai( thai stir-fried rice noodle) so bo bian loh, go with them. But later we went to the wealth of fountain (or fountain of wealth) to eat. Went to fish n co but boon say he dun want, so went to eat Renn Thai! (yeah! been waiting to go eat there so long le! hehe) Anyway eat about $50 think quite alright, afterall get pay so ok haha.

so mian qiang look of boon...
Then friday went to Ritz-carlton for an event. YCH 50th golden jubilee gala dinner.
Very grand loh. Took some pics on the tables

So grand right? Have a total of 49 tables and not only that, even the president, also attended it very the grand loh. I aslo manage to eat 2 course for the night after the event haha... Reach home at 12 am. So late! *I dun club all that so to me is late haha.
Saturday got driving and after that meet dear. Today got a small accident on the road while driving. My car was driving fast (due to the instructor's 'order') Then a slight turn on the steering wheel will cause a big turn on the car, so while turning to a slight bend, i think i turn too much then the wheels hit the kerbs and knocked onto it. The metal tip of the tyres even dented! think the impact is huge loh, even though the instructor say it's not that serious!
After that went to meet dear, as usual he is late loh. (cos his washing machines breaks down need him repair) Then i went shop shop, bought a new romance comic from my favourite author and another comic for dear.
Below is my comic's pic

Dear also bought me a notebook as promise (request by me) hehe.