Today's blog has been drag for the whole of two days! Thought of writting it on friday when i was in the Sport's company for the last day. But sadly i dun have the time to write when i was in the office and two of my colleagues were on MC, so sad. One who was sick, was deston, our designer as well as our dj, cos he will keep us entertain with his music and songs. Last day without any music, makes the office seems so quiet and deadl (as the company itself is small...) And another one was the purchasing person. Total by right, the strength in the office (excluding the sales persons adn retail staff) should have 7 people one which is : lady boss, GM, my manager, 1 purchasing, 1 designer, 1 accountant and me. But on friday, only 3 of us, which are all from finance dept... -_-'' so sad...
Then exactly the environment is good as few people, however one thing i dun get it is that why the work load of the back logs is damn alot and it seems that it take very the long to clear up for about half a year delayed.
Enough of this. I have REBOND my hair yesterday, the effect was good, look very natural but i hate my fringe cos i heard the wrong thing and the hairdresser cut it wrong. She say cut straight is it, i thought she meant the back so i was like ok, cos i dun wan to cut layer, scare later hair dun look straight, but instead of cutting the back first, she cut my fringe and now it look so nerd and short... -_-''' hate the fringe, if not, all will be perfect...
Tues will be starting new job, hope everything is ok. dun have mood to write le, so i go play game le. tata