I dunno what happen to my blog previously, cant see at all but now i managed to operate and revive and now is in running mode. should say that i have notice the problem about mu blog but i hack care haha. begin to lose interest in blogging cos i have not been using the computer alot these days but to go online to watch anime wahaha.
just finish catching up with my one piece anime, after catchin up about 50 episodes, damn tough but managed. =p
term 2 have already started and now having a week of study break but have been working and slacking, must really find time to study and revise and there is tutorials to be done. this sem is much harder than the previous term as there are 3 new modules that have yet to learn during poly. they are organizational design, information and management system and work performance. and the last module i took is what i hate most (as i score the worst results in poly: statistics!!!) hai sian but happy is i feel that i know better this time compared to the time when i in poly so is a good start. hope that can score well loh (keep my finger cross X)
my jap is now in intermediate 4 and the last level for now. not intending to continue for the time being. have sign up for jlpt 3 (know is a stupid and bold thing to do since haven manage to have a stable foundation for it but will try cos if i fail, at most next yr take again then i can go for preparatory course in apr time haha. already plan ahead so no worries =)
have been very poor recently, yes poor in terms of financial aspect. lose my tution student and now only working in the bookstore and also lazy to find new tution cos i fear that didnt teach long then cant continue. this is wat happen to the previous one and i dun wish to see it happen again hai. initially was ok but dunno why suddenly the mum dun wan me to teach hai sob sob. no luck in finding students whose parents are not that demanding haha.
give me best of luck for everything and pls hope tat you will see me soon =p