Very fast is already month end and it means that i'm getting my pay and going to spend it! Ya spend it for transport, pay off my bills and cpf and left nothing else not even saving. hai. this has been going on for a year( since i start my uni) and i have been thinking if i have done the right thing of studyin full time instead of part time as part time not only got monthly salary that can save and spend but also gradually pay off the uni fee which my frens are doing. So by the end of the uni, they will have to just pay back to their parents perhaps few thousand remaining and nothing else, but for me, is another case.. I have calculated, by the end of my uni, i will have an outstanding of perhaps SGD $25,000! and maybe more as my parent loan me the money and have to pay hai.
Whatever i'm earning now is to meet my daily needs and monthly needs for payments and NOT saving hai. Alot to write always but when it comes to typing, it tires me out... Tons of things to say yet type only few para hai. next time i should really buy a PDA or Tablet PC so i can treat it as writing rather than typing. feel like i love writing than typing.
Tomolo will be 3rd week of school and kind of still slacking which i shouldnt do it yet i did, hai. Seems to be breaking promise set for myself , and forgeting the bad memory that i did not wan to repeat again. Mind is turning slow, memory is failing and i hate myself this way. Memory becoming damn short, cant remenber wat i say 30 seconds ago. hai maybe need to check my brain see if any problems. hai.
Going to pay for nearly 600 plus of money on jap, for both pre advance and jlpt preparatory course. but with my brain like that, started to worry hai. dunno just let the nature takes its course.
been very tired recently, perhaps that my sat has been burn since i went back to work at the bookshop and i have to not only manage 3 jobs but 2 studies as well, leaving little time for myself hai. hope that i can plan my time well and relax. actually feel less stress compare with last week so should be a good sign, have to buck up and do my best.
getting tired of typing, signing off then.
Jya ne