Sunday, May 11, 2008

Lots of thing has happened recently.

- Spent a bomb on 3 face products at body shop; spent $100 plus (+ mum's mother day gift)
- Wasted one week of break
- Started my jap class after 1 week break (got retain sob sob =( )
- Got my pay for the month (all 3)
- Got paid by govt
- Bought a $60+ textbook (so far the most ex textbook i bought)
- Chat with dear very long on the phone till wee hours
- Have not study what i learn for the 3 weeks of uni lessons
- Recovered from flu
- Went to eat Shokudo with jap frens
- Take various of bus to reach school from office
- Been extremely tired this week
- Finally mange to get hold of 恋空漫画1
- Waste a bomb on cab today (even took the most ex taxi starting @ $3.20. wth)
- Slimming down (haha hoping for more)
- Cook for the family on labor day (when mum is not around)
- Read thru the notes that i have photocopy
- Read and listen thru the jap conversation book that i have bought
- Starting to prepare for prep course for jap and starting soon for uni (hope will pass all last term's exam)
- Wash my pencil case, cloth and all

All this to start anew for a brand new life; more healthy, more well manage schedule and of cos happier life!

=) looking forward!