Thursday, May 11, 2006

i just reach the office not long ago, feeling so tired and sian, at first dun even wan to come to the office, but wat to do, sure have to do that for sure. haiz... it's not up to what u want. hai... sian... wonder if the colleagues will be going to tonight (they wan to have a small gathering).

Make up with my dear le, but then still feel that there are alot of things to settle and i guess it's good to have a face to face talk rather than talking on the phone. hai.. very sian and today one of the part-timers came in on the dot of time, not becos she come herself but becos got one intern went to fetch her and shi hui. -_-'' hai thought wat, then she say never know that they come in so early cos she always come in after 9. Wa lao, cant stand her hai... dunno lah.

Now still slacking with nothing to do, forever like this i will become fossil... Plus last night before the dismissal of work, i shifted my computer with the help of shihui, now since the computer has been shifted, i look more like the receptionist and i have to open the door for the colleagues and the customers. so sian, become a receptionist -_-'', not only that the bell of the door is at the enterance and then the other door release is behind, quite far from my place... hai. sian